Pilot a helicopter yourself? Of course you can. Book a helicopter flying lesson, for young and old. For each helicopter lesson, there is a basic 30-minute theory lesson. Then you will fly yourself with the instructor. This is a one-off trial lesson, no prior training is required. We also offer a helicopter lessons package, of 5 lessons with the Cabri G2 helicopter.
"You have to fly in your dreams, to get off the ground later."
Hilversum Airport is centrally located. In addition, this venue can be booked 7 days a week, on your requirements. Also the most economical option.
Private heliport Harskamp has a modern Robinson R44 helicopter. This can carry 2 passengers in the back during your debut in the helicopter.
Happy to have your own shoes 😉
A helicopter trial lesson is a dream gift. A helicopter flying lesson can be a one-off, or a first test of whether helicopter flying is for you as a profession. No experience is needed!
Fly in a real helicopter simulator, if you want to keep both feet on the ground.
A helicopter flying lesson in a simulator has a big advantage. For example, it is a lot cheaper to fly in a simulator first, if you want to see if helicopter flying is for you. Of course, it is not as much fun as a flying lesson on a real helicopter, but this way there is always a flight that suits your needs.
"Why stay inside your comfort zone, when there is much more to experience outside it."
In a simulation flight, all situations can be simulated. Good weather, bad weather, or even flying at night. Should you still be enthusiastic after the simulator lesson, you can try a real helicopter trial lesson at a discount. Ask for the conditions.
You can also opt for a combination package. Take a 2-person sightseeing flight first, followed by a simulator flight to test your own helicopter skills in all kinds of weather conditions.
The flight time you book is the time in the helicopter. The safety briefing always takes place in advance place and does not take away from your flight time.
This keeps everything transparent and fair, with no hidden costs. You can enjoy your helicopter flight carefree.
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