If you want to discover our country in a special way, you could, for example, opt for a helicopter flight Drenthe. With this, you won't see the whole of the Netherlands, of course. But you can see Drenthe from above with a helicopter flight. This is special and fun for everyone. Whether you live in Drenthe, are on holiday there or have lived there. A helicopter flight Drenthe will show you all kinds of things in the province that you never noticed before. Who knows, you might see new places you want to visit or be able to point out where you have already been.
In Drenthe, you will find a lot of nature. And natural areas are of course already beautiful when you walk or cycle through them or whatever. But seeing nature reserves from above gives a completely different look and feel to the same environment. For instance, with a helicopter flight Drenthe, you fly over the national park Dwingelderveld and the Drents-Friese Wold. Both beautiful nature-rich locations. As well as the historic Wedbroeken gateway. All special places to see from above during your helicopter flight Drenthe.
Drenthe has beautiful nature, but so do a lot of other provinces. But you also view a lot of places you can't see anywhere else during a helicopter flight Drenthe. Take the dolmens, for example. These are unique to Drenthe and at least as unique to view from above during a helicopter flight Drenthe. Or how about the TT circuit in Assen? You certainly won't find that anywhere else in the Netherlands either. So Drenthe has plenty of unique places to offer that are even more special to view from above.
Assen, too, is of course a special place to view from above. This goes for most cities. You can of course see those cities from above on all helicopter flights. Some you might even recognise when you sit in the plane. But with a helicopter flight Drenthe, you get really close to places like Hoogeveen, Emmen and Assen. And besides, there are also plenty of theme parks in Drenthe to admire from above.